Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership supports The Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bike 5 Capital Tour

Blood bikes at Warwickshire Police HQ June23 3 bikes

Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is pledging its support of The Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes 5 Capitals UK tour that takes place from 23-24 June 2023 to raise much needed funds for a new ‘blood bike’ to help support the NHS.

The 5 Capitals Tour sets off from Coventry Cathedral Ruins at 0500 hours on Friday 23 June and the blood bike volunteers will then head north to Edinburgh, then on to Belfast, Dublin, back to the mainland on to Cardiff and finish in London on Saturday 24 June.

Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes provide the urgent delivery of blood, plasma, platelets, and other vital medical supplies to hospitals outside of normal working hours. These supplies are crucial for emergency transfusions, surgeries, and other life-saving procedures. To do this the charity has a fleet of specially equipped motorcycles, ridden by advanced motorcycle rider volunteers who are able to navigate through traffic quickly and efficiently, so that time-sensitive supplies reach their destinations promptly.

The charity is entirely dependent on charitable donations from individuals, businesses and fundraising efforts to cover its operational costs, including the purchase, maintenance and fuel expenses for motorcycles.

The money raised during the 5 capitals tour will go directly to the purchase of a new motorbike to replace an older fleet vehicle so that the Blood Bikers can continue to offer their emergency response service, completely free of charge to the NHS.

Speaking on behalf of Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes, Phil MacRae said “All the riders, dispatchers and management teams are volunteers and offer their time and services for free so the charity can provide a cost-free, essential transportation service for hospitals in the Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull regions of England.

“The generosity of donors and supporters is crucial to keeping our Blood Bikes on the road so that we continue to ride to save lives. Every Day.

Sergeant Shaun Bridle said “The 150 blood bike volunteers play a vital role in saving lives on our roads following a collision.  They give their time, for free, at a moment’s notice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to transport life-saving blood and specialist test equipment and medicines to vulnerable patients, completely free of charge to the NHS.

“As a partnership we will do what we can to support their tour by helping raise awareness of their work and at the same time encouraging people to donate what they can for a new duty bike.”

WRSP Chair and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said “The Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes are a shining example of how volunteer-led organisations can make a real difference in helping save lives on our roads. They provide an invaluable service to hospitals, and healthcare professionals but most importantly the patients. ”

If you would like to donate towards a new blood bike, please visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/5-capitals-tour

Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes are also looking for more volunteers to join them.  There are lots of roles available, you don’t have to be a biker.

All of our dedicated members are unpaid volunteers and together provide an around-the-clock service to support hospitals in their area. WSBB embraces the spirit of macro-volunteering with over 150 active members contributing their time in several operational roles on a continuous rota system throughout the year.

For more information please visit www.wsbb.org

Please follow and help us raise awareness by sharing posts from Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes on Facebook: www.facebook.com/warwickshireandsolihullbloodbikes

The Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes is a registered charity in the UK (Charity No 1156 751)

Media enquiries: please contact Phil MacRae on 07434 684 851 or email at events@wsbb.org

Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikers visiting Warwickshire Police HQ in June before the start of their 5 Capitals Tour. Sergeant Shaun Bridle is pictured third from left.