Are your tyres safe and roadworthy?

Representatives from Warwickshire’s Fire and Rescue Prevention Team and Warwickshire County Council Road Safety Education came together on Wednesday the 27th of September at Bedworth Fire Station to gain expert advice about Tyre checks.
Sophie Lyden, founder of Fresh Drivers UK, Depot manager of an Independent Family-run Garage in Morecambe and who campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of car maintenance, led the training session.
The training session allowed officers to understand more about the different tyre deficits which can be found and what to look out for when completing their vehicle safety checks.
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service conduct vehicle safety checks across the county throughout the year. The safety checks follow guidance from National Highways and include checking over tyres, oil, and screen wash levels. As well as carrying out the checks, the team supports drivers to undertake the checks themselves, so they learn how to do them and change their behaviours for the future.
The training supports the month-long Tyre Safety Campaign which started yesterday (1st of October.) The “Safe and Save” Campaign aims to keep motorists safe, save money, and mitigate risks. The campaign champions the ‘A.C.T’ acronym, urging drivers to check their air pressure, conditions and tread.
In support of the campaign Sophie will be appearing on the Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership social media giving hints and tips to what to look out for when completing tyre checks.
Sophie said “I am thrilled to be invited down to Warwickshire to offer support and advice to Warwickshire Fire and Rescue officers. Their vehicle safety checks play a vital role in showing the importance of regularly checking your vehicle.”
Andy Crump, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue and Community Safety, said: “We are proud to support the Safe and Save’ campaign. Through this campaign, we aim to reach motorists across all segments and emphasise the significance of regular tyre checks. By doing so, not only can they save on fuel and tyre wear costs, but also contribute to safer roads for everyone. It is important to regularly check your car and ensure that it is in a good, roadworthy condition. These checks help to reduce the risk of collision; for example, having a poor tyre tread or incorrect pressure on your tyres significantly increases your chances of being involved in a serious collision.”
WFRS is encouraging residents to carry out winter vehicle safety checks as per the National Highways guidance. People should check:
- Tyre depth
- Tyre pressure
- Lights
- Oil check
- Window screen wash and wipers
For more information about tyre safety please visit:
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