Warwickshire takes major step towards more active travel with new infrastructure plan

Active travel in Warwickshire gets a major boost as Warwickshire County Council Cabinet approves the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
This plan, which identifies and prioritises over 300 walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure schemes for potential delivery, demonstrates a clear commitment to the benefits of active travel across Warwickshire. The approval follows an extensive consultation exercise on the draft LCWIP, in which over 1,000 views were collected from local communities.
Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, said: “This plan is a significant step forward in making Warwickshire a place where people can choose to walk, wheel, or cycle for everyday journeys. By identifying potential new infrastructure and Active Travel Zones that would enable residents to switch to more active travel, it will help to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities, reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality”.
Although the LCWIP does not commit the Council to any additional expenditure at this stage, it will strengthen the case for investment and increase opportunities for external funding. Adopting the Plan is essential for WCC to access Active Travel England funding and enables greater partnership working to maximise active travel investment opportunities in the county.
Cllr Matecki concluded, “Transport is the single largest cause of carbon emissions in the UK, and so in addition to opening the doors to more government funding, the adoption of this Plan is critical if we are to meet our net zero commitments. We believe that the LCWIP will make a significant contribution to creating a more sustainable, healthy, and connected Warwickshire for everyone.”
A copy of the Cabinet report can be found here: https://democracy.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/s35367/Warwickshire%20Local%20Cycling%20and%20Walking%20Infrastructure%20Plan.pdf
More information about the LCWIP can be found here: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/cycling/developing-warwickshires-cycle-network/3
For information on this and for ways in which Warwickshire residents can get involved with building a sustainable future in the county, visit www.sustainablewarwickshire.co.uk