Education and Training
Education aims to improve knowledge and challenge attitudes with behavioural change techniques.
Warwickshire County Council Road Safety and Active team develop and deliver innovative road safety initiatives for children and young people from nursery through to secondary school in Warwickshire and have built up excellent working relationships with schools and communities over the years. More information can be found in our Child and School Safety section.
Warwickshire Police choose to educate first to help change behaviour and to enforce road safety legislation as a last resort. Education offered ranges from our Safer Neighbourhood Teams taking part in school assemblies and talking to parents about safe parking to providing direct training through BikeSafe motorcycle courses and talks to industry groups.
Warwickshire Police run the ‘Close Pass’ operation to educate drivers on passing cyclists at a safe distance and Community Speed Watch volunteers monitor speeding in their communities to help educate drivers.
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue also offer educational courses to Bikers to improve their skills when riding and equip them with the skills if they are first on scene to a collision involving a motorbike. For more information or to book on to one of the courses go to our BikeSafe & Biker Down section.