Road safety advice for drivers and cyclists who #ShareTheSpace on Warwickshire’s roads
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Road safety advice for drivers and cyclists who #ShareTheSpace on Warwickshire’s roads
Back to School: Could you walk, cycle or scoot?
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership asks all road users to please #ShareTheSpace
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership has revealed that a total of 3,907 drivers were caught speeding in the county during an anti speeding campaign that took place in July and August 2021.
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership focusses on drug drivers as numbers increase Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is taking part in a national NPCC campaign to highlight the dangers and consequences of drug driving to help make our roads safer for all road users. Drug driving is increasing in Warwickshire reflecting the national picture and as… Continue reading Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership focusses on drug drivers as numbers increase
Have your say on new road safety ‘Strategy to 2030’ Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is asking for your views on how the county’s roads can be made safer by inviting you to take part in a public consultation on a new Warwickshire road safety ‘Strategy to 2030’. The public consultation starts on 18 August and… Continue reading Have you say – landing page
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership asks public for views on new road safety Strategy to 2030 Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership (WRSP) is asking the public for their views on how the county’s roads can be made safer by taking part in a public consultation on a new Warwickshire road safety ‘Strategy to 2030’. The public consultation… Continue reading Have your say on new road safety ‘Strategy to 2030’
Partners show their commitment to road safety in Warwickshire by launching new Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership
Ten new Community Speed Watch groups are welcomed to Warwickshire Warwickshire Police was delighted to welcome 56 new Community Speed Watch volunteers alongside existing volunteers to a Community Speed Watch training course held at Wolston Community and Leisure Centre on Monday, 5 July 2021. These new volunteers boost the number of Community Speed Watch… Continue reading Ten new Community Speed Watch groups are welcomed to Warwickshire
E-scooter In November 2020 partners did a joint campaign on the run up to Christmas. The main aim of the campaign was to educate residents it’s currently against the law to ride an e-scooter in any public place. Privately owned e-scooters cannot be used in any public space including roads, pavements and parks. This… Continue reading E-scooter News